Committee Elected for 2017

Lindfield Rugby Members, players and supporters,

I take pleasure in announcing that after last night’s AGM, a new committee will take its place running Lindfield Rugby for the ensuing season.

I will take over from Byron as the new President, and must firstly thank Byron and the fellow committee members for all the time they have invested in the club. I am lucky to be starting from a very comfortable stand point.

Helping me with the workload for the year will be as follows;
Jared Hills will be taking the role of Vice President.
Ben Dibden, will step away from legal to become Treasurer &
Toni Francis will round the main committee out as Secretary.

However, we have not finalised all of the roles of the Subcommittee, nor the coaching staff. We are actively hunting people to fill these spots, so if you wish to take over a role, or continue one, please email myself, or Toni, address’s below, and we can work towards a result.

If you have already emailed Josh in regards to this, I will be getting this list to peruse.

I for one cannot wait for the new season to start, and will be quite chuffed when we lift five trophies at the conclusion of next seasons finals.

Raef Johnson
Lindfield Rugby Union