2014 Early Bird Discounted Subs

G’day fellas and we hope you’re enjoying your off season. Early bird subs are now available for those who want a good deal for next season.

Prices are as follows:

Seniors – $220
Colts (21 and under) – $195

Link can be found here: http://www.trybooking.com/Event/EventListingURL.aspx?aid=15505

Deposits of $50 are also accepted with full payment required by COB Friday April 4, 2014 (Last business day before Round 1)

There is also a direct debit option: https://signup.paymenthub.com.au/billers/8d57a4eb-2440-4490-bac5-b7a21a4fb842/customers

When submitting please include your first and last name for our records. This deal ends COB on Friday 31st January 2014 so get in quick and save yourself some hard earned.

Any issues, please contact the Treasurer Michael ‘Chook’ Hamilton on:

Mobile: 0409 397 694

Email: hamo2000@gmail.com
